December 14, 2020
A Thrill of Hope
I loved the last week of November. It was just one big week of comfort!
We began the week by celebrating Christ the King Sunday where we acknowledged that Christ is King. Our Savior is mindful of - and rules over - all things: Over creation, over the affairs of man, over my heart. What LOVE!
Thanksgiving Day, I found myself grateful knowing that Christ, as King, is a part of our Sovereign God: Father, Son, Spirit. Three in One. He KNOWS all things: This tired world in which we live, the harsh unrest among humankind, the often discouraged heart inside each of us. What JOY!
Finally, we closed the week by celebrating the first Sunday in Advent: That special time of preparation and anticipation of the birthday of our King. But there’s more! We also anticipate His coming again, knowing that He is working, even now, to make all things new and right: New creation, new love for one another, new Spirit in our hearts. What PEACE!
A wonderful phrase from the Christmas carol, O Holy Night, says it all: “A Thrill of Hope, the Weary World Rejoices.” Rejoices from a world “in sin and error pining,” from a heart that suddenly feels “its worth,” to reminding us “to love one another.” And with the breaking of “a new and glorious morn,” the carol implores us to “fall on (our) knees” in worship and awe. What HOPE!
May you find comfort in the LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HOPE of our Dear Savior and King. And may this Advent season be one gigantic “Holy Night” in your heart! What COMFORT!
+Christie Brammer