New Here? We Want to Meet You!We want to welcome you to our website. Crowley First United Methodist Church is a group of people committed to reaching out
in helping all people find restoration and become engaged in the healing of our city and beyond. We are a people centered on the grace of Jesus Christ as we worship and serve within God’s Mission. You can learn more about us here and by joining us at the church with all of the steps. We are located next to Levy Park at 321 East 3rd Street in Crowley, Louisiana. Worship with us for on Sundays at 11:00 am. Come be our guest, we can't wait to meet you! What Should I Expect?
While we enjoy variety in our time of worship, there are a few things that can be expected every week.
What Should I Wear?
It might be easier to answer what shouldn’t you wear! Wear what you have. Wear what you are comfortable in. Wear what you want. We are a diverse group and we believe the people in the clothing are what matters, period.