November 19, 2020
God grant me the
Serenity to accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can; and
Wisdom to know the difference.
I remember growing up with this little prayer stuck to the wall next to our kitchen phone. The last time I saw it was while cleaning out my mom’s things after she had passed. It was just a yellowed, frayed piece of paper by then with a dirty piece of tape stuck on the back of it. Yet it made me smile… I can still hear her say, “This too shall pass.”
Dad also had a saying that he loved to share. “Everything’s gonna be all right!” Usually I would moan when he’d tell me that. But today, well, it simply makes me nod and smile.
Mom and Dad always had a secure sense of peace about them. Their faith was unshakable, as they faced the various hardships, sadness, and calamities that came their way. And whatever the “this” was, it DID seem to pass. And the “everything”? Seems like it really DID turn out ok.
This year has been a “this” and “everything” sort of year, hasn’t it? We have been bombarded by all sorts of storms: Pandemic storms, political storms, hurricanes. Yet I go back to my childhood memory and that simple prayer stuck on the kitchen wall.
Lord, give me peace, courage, and wisdom.
Somehow, He always does!
May you know the serenity in accepting the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference!
+Christie Brammer