Let's Get Involved!
Prayer TeamBe in prayer daily for the success of our community-wide event
Cooking TeamHelp set up and serve hot dogs, fixings, lemonade and water on
the evening of the event and/or donate money for the food Road TeamHelp set up the road blocks and direct people where to park for the event
Candy Team 1Donate candy and/or money to purchase candy (circle donate candy and/or money)
Candy Team 2Help replenish candy at each vehicle throughout the event
Trunk TeamDecorate your trunk (not required) and hand out candy to all the kids!
Photography TeamBring your digital camera to take pictures and receive contact information. Submit all photo files to leaders by the next day
Clean Up TeamPut trash cans out before the event starts, keep food tables clean throughout the evening, pick up any trash along the street and around the park. Once the crowds clear out, help pick up tables, chairs, and any other items